k6 free online tool

Grafana k6 is an open-source load testing tool that makes performance testing easy and productive for engineering teams. Using k6, you can test the reliability and performance of your systems and catch performance regressions and problems earlier.


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Description of k6

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k6 [command]

Available Commands:
archive     Create an archive
cloud       Run a test on the cloud
completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help        Help about any command
inspect     Inspect a script or archive
login       Authenticate with a service
pause       Pause a running test
resume      Resume a paused test
run         Start a load test
scale       Scale a running test
stats       Show test metrics
status      Show test status
version     Show application version

-a, --address string      address for the REST API server (default "localhost:6565")
-c, --config string       JSON config file (default "/root/.config/loadimpact/k6/config.json")
-h, --help                help for k6
--log-format string   log output format
--log-output string   change the output for k6 logs, possible values are stderr,stdout,none,loki[=host:port],file[=./path.fileformat] (default "stderr")
--no-color            disable colored output
-q, --quiet               disable progress updates
-v, --verbose             enable verbose logging

Use "k6 [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Results history